Feeding children with eggs and goat milk

Ms. Seeta, the mother of 6 children lives in village Ganga Ram Colony, located in union council Makhan Samoon, district Mirpurkhas. Ganga Ram Colony was established in 2009 as labour township by agriculture farmers, who got freed from different landlords’ confinements with helping each other. The freed families had built abodes on their own and live there. Since then the dwellers in this settlement are fighting war of survival because they being poor cannot afford to feed their children properly and protect them from diseases.

Ms. Seeta never been school. She did not have access to good health care. She is inherited parental profession to work in agriculture fields. Lack of opportunities badly affected the family of Ms. Seeta, whose children fall victims of malnutrition. The family needed support to reduce malnourishment.

SRPO team conducted household assessment in district Mirpurkhas that included her house. Based on the analysis of the data, Seeta was selected to receive five goats and ten poultry birds free of cost to feed her family.

Taking her minor stunting child, she believes that it happens because she did not have access to nourishing diet during her pregnancy and after delivery. Now after receiving goats and chickens she hopes to feed her baby with milk and eggs to keep her healthy and protect her from vulnerability.  

She said, they have made shed for poultry birds to protect them from wild cats, mongoose and dogs. These birds are now well protected.  

The family takes care to poultry with grains and water. Now these poultry birds are laying eggs, which our family, including children eat. Apart from household chores, “I take my goats to field for grazing and bring fodder for them while returning home,” she said.

All family members are very happy to receive goats and poultry birds provided to them under AAP-L to reduce stunting and malnutrition of the family.

In fact there come ups and downs and sometimes goats got viral infections. But “we have contacts to call veterinary doctors to cure the problem instantly. These veterinary practitioner frequently visit locality to vaccinate our chickens to avoid any problem.  

Two of goats are pregnant and will deliver babies soon. After this the children will have little milk to stay healthy. This is a great support to the family to have valuable assets. Entire family members take care of goats and poultry birds. She is hopeful to achieve something after getting valuable assets (goats and chickens), specially to feed their children. 

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