Jian Bhagtiyani preaches for religious harmony

A 46 years old Jian Bhagtan was born to a Temple Caretaker family and lives near Shiv temple in union council Kharoro Sayed, in Umerkot district. Though she had not attended school formally, she looks familiar with basic Sindhi and Hindi writings. Jian was very much active from her childhood in religious festivals and activities, where she used to perform Bhajans. She also took part in music concerts and different singing competition of Bhajan in their native village since her childhood.

When she was young Jian usually helped their parents in agriculture activities. Now she is married. She is very much famous for singing Bhajans and Sat Sang (Hindu religious songs) on different occasions and festivals in Umerkot and other areas. She travels to different areas where she performs Bhajans with her own team. Usually there are three to four members performing these bhajans and sat sangs. Jian team comprises with her relatives. She feels easy to manage to perform in religious festivals and activities wherever she is invited.

About traveling to other areas, she looks fed up saying that performing in other distant districts is very much hectic for her because of managing schedule and travel cost. Thus she prefers to perform in nearby areas to earn recognition.

She has performed in many Hindu religious festivals. Usually she performs near Shiv Temple, Umerkot where she lives with her family. She preaches religious norms in local women and wherever she goes.

Jian is also a social activist and social harmony builder. She has become part of the social harmony meetings at different villages. She believes that people are not born with religious identity. Thus we have to follow good practices and automatically our all sorrows will be vanished away. She is also an active member of different forums of Hindu religion in Umerkot.

Jian is of very open heart and sings bhanjan for everyone coming to visit famous Shiv temple whether they are Muslims or related to other religion. She is active to promote social harmony building activities and meetings at Shiv Temple.

Recently Sindh Rural Partners Organization (SRPO) celebrated an event of International Rural Women Day at Shiv Temple where Jian was also invited to perform Bhajan and deliver her speech on the importance of the day. Later on after event Jian shared that this is great to celebrate such days for women. She admired the efforts of SRPO. She appreciated such activities and offered support to take part in this kind of activism. She further said that religious harmony is an important topic. “I am very much inspired by organizations like SRPO for working on such topics.”

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