Journey Towards Change

Ms. Nazoo w/o Darhoon lives in village Dabhro Parha UC Jhirmiryo of Taluka Diplo, Tharparkar District. Her husband died of throat cancer two years ago, leaving six children, including four sons and two daughters to live difficult life with their mother. After husband’s death she took responsibility to take care of her children and work hard to run domestic affairs.
Ms. Nazoo had three goats. She used to feed goat milk to her children to help them nurturing safe and healthy. She wished to sale milk in the village to earn little income for their survival. But she realized that milk sale was not reliable source of income to run domestic affairs. To overcome financial crisis, initially, she got financial support from her brother to ease her family’s life. But sudden drought and dryness in their area had further devastated the life of people. She was feeling disturbed to keep livestock for more time because the drought has burnt vegetation, leaving nothing for animals to eat. The fodder loss has also impacted milk production.

In this situation, disappointed Ms. Nazoo looking no option to feed her children and run domestic affairs had sold traditional assets, (goats) one after another to meet the basic needs of family. The condition turned more critical for her family and seemed vulnerable due to unstable source of income, price hike and poverty. Sharing her plight, she responded “No one can imagine about the pain and anguish I have been facing after the death of husband, who was sole bread earner for the family. It was time when I was looking for support, as there was no option to get relief.”
She accredits SRPO, which provided cash grants to most vulnerable women living in drought affected UC Jhirmirio Taluka Diplo with the support of Concern Worldwide and USAID. Project team conducted household assessment in which fortunately Ms. Nazoo’s name was included among the selected beneficiaries of cash grant. She received an amount of Rs.12000/=. To make possible and best utilization of amount she received through EVIs cash grants, Ms. Nazoo purchased a goat at Rs.7000/= and remaining amount she spent to fulfill domestic needs. She said that livestock provides long-term survival. “I preferred to purchase goat, believing it’s milk will surely benefit my growing children”.
“I want to feed this milk to my children to save them from malnutrition. Now we are happy to have own goat again,” she said.
She further responded that this is best approach to help vulnerable households for building their assets. “I am very much sure it will change the lives of vulnerable households; indeed it is move towards well-beings and prosperity,” she concludes.

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