Recovering health through rich food

Traveling to a locality locally known as Aziz Farm in union council Makhan Samoo in Mirpurkhas district, somebody from outside may realize the difficult life these people live without basic facilities. They have built shelters at private land of landlord, believing they have to leave these abodes sooner or later, depending on permission of landlord. Whenever he will ask them they have to leave and shift to another landlord. It has been a practice in which they have become familiar with.

The small village has around 25 farmer families, mostly work in agriculture fields either as sharecropper or daily wager. Women have their work to pick cotton, chilli and bhindi and earn little as daily wager to ease their families. They have tradition that all family members, including women and children work together to ease their families. They have their own task to do.

Ms. Leelawati, the mother of eight children–four sons and four daughters–, also resides in the locality. She was optimistic to continue work despite her deteriorating health. She carries her small baby, who looks vulnerable to diseases because of her insufficient food.

Her husband Sawai works in agriculture farm as sharecropper. Ms. Leelawati herself performs more work despite having insufficient food to maintain her health. After returning home they collect grass fodder for their animals.

She was among 5 women beneficiaries of the same locality, whose families have been selected by SRPO under AAP-L program to have five goats and 10 poultry birds. These women came to criteria set for this benefit that being poor they did not have access to proper food for their children. These small animals and poultry will be helpful to have proper food to their children.

Now her one goat is pregnant. She is hopeful to have little milk soon to feed her ailing baby, who needs proper nutrition at this growing age. She has poultry eggs, which is also the better source of nutrition for children and family members. 

Traditionally, the community people in the village get animals from other farmers to feed the same on share bases. They feel easy to have extra income through this kind of entrepreneurship. They receive their 50-percent share after the sale of animals. 

After receiving these gifts, Ms. Leelawati looks happy to feed her goats and chickens at her wide courtyard. She collects eggs to feed their children to maintain their health.

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