SRPO takes efforts to improve hygiene status in operational areas. SRPO organizes sessions among male, female and students to raise hygiene knowledge on different topic such as “Personal”, “Environment” and “Domestic Hygiene”. SRPO introduced “Hygiene Kits” in SEF supported schools administratively run by SRPO, where learners were oriented to use Hygiene Kits for ensuring personal hygiene at schools and home. SRPO celebrates international days to spread WASH knowledge and also participates in coordination meetings being arranged by WASH stakeholders, PHED and local Government of Sindh. SRPO worked with UNICEF under Water, Environment and Sanitation (WES) Project in district Mirpurkhas. In which SRPO installed 60 Hand Pumps in the rural areas forproviding clean drinking water to communities. Also constructed and repaired 30 latrines of Primary Schools of Taluka Samaro. SRPO provided training to the School Teachers, Women, Masons and Activists regarding hygiene education, sanitation, use of Hand Pumps and Environment. SRPO realizes open defecation is increasing day by day, which caused unhygienic and unhealthy environment. Hence, SRPO integrated WASH activities in regular projects where communities were sensitized to not defecate in open areas, SRPO field teams discussed with communities about risk associated with Open defecation.

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